Initiation of the Third Degree


HPS sits upon the altar, facing South, in the Osiris position. HP kneels before her, kisses both knees, extends arms along thighs, and adores. HP then fetches filled chalice and celebrates Wine and Cakes. HP again kneels before HPS, kisses knees and extends arms in adoration as before. Both rise.

HP says:


Ere I proceed with this sublime rite, I must beg purification at thy hands.

HPS takes up a red cord and binds his arms, then taking up the cable-tow, leads him once about the Circle.

HP kneels facing altar.


HP rises and is unbound whereupon he binds HPS as she bound him, leads her about the Circle and scourges her as she kneels before the altar. HPS rises and HP takes her by the cable-tow to each Quarter in turn, saying:


Hear ye, Mighty Ones of the East [S, W, N]: the twice consecrated and holy N...., High Priestess and Witch Queen [High Priest and Magus], is properly prepared, and will now proceed to erect the Sacred Altar.

HP unties HPS and says:


Now again I must beg purification.

HPS binds him, leads him about the Circle and Scourges him kneeling before the altar, as before. He stands and is unbound and says:


Now I must reveal a great mystery.,

HPS stands vefore altar in God Position.

HP gives her Fivefold Salute. [After he kisses feet, HPS opens into Goddess position, still holding scourge and athame].
HPS then sets scourge and athame aside and lies in the middle of the Circle with her head to the East and her womb in the shekinah point. HP kneels beside her facing North. [At each point marked (S) below he kisses her womb unless instructed otherwise.] HP says:


Assist me to erect the ancient altar,
At which in days past all worshipped,
The Great Altar of all things;
For in old times, Woman was the altar.
Thus was the altar made and placed;
And the sacred point was the point within the centre of the Circle.
As we have of old been taught that the point within the centre
is the origin of all things,
Therefore should we adore it.         [kiss]
Therefore whom we adore we also invoke,
by the power of the Lifted Lance.[touch phallus]
O Circle of Stars         [kiss]
Whereof our father is but the younger brother         [kiss]
Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space,
Before whom time is bewildered and understanding dark,
Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love.         [kiss]
Therefore by seed and root, by stem and bud,
by leaf and flower and fruit, Do we invoke thee,
O Queen of Space, O dew of light,
Continuous one of the heavens         [kiss]
Let it be ever thus, that men speak not of thee as one, but as none;
And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous.
For thou art the point within the circle         [kiss]
which we adore,         [kiss]
The fount of life without which we would not be,         [kiss]
And in this way are erected the Holy Twin Pillars.
[kiss breasts, left then right]
In beauty and in strength were they erected,
To the wonder and glory of all men.
[If the Great Rite is to be actual, non-participants leave, sealing gate behind.]


O Secret of Secrets,
That art hidden in the being of all lives,
Not thee do we adore,
For that which adoreth is also thou.
Thou art That, and That am I.         [kiss]
I am the flame that burns in the heart of every man,
And in the core of every star.
I am life, and the giver of life.
Yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death.
I am alone, the Lord within ourselves,
Whose name is Mystery of Mysteries.

HP now kisses HPS in the Sigil of the Third Degree as follows:

[There's a diagram which shows the Priestess with the points of the Third Degree Sigil marked on her body. The points are: 1. genitals/womb; 2. right foot; 3. left knee; 4. right knee; 5.left foot; 6. genitals/womb; 7. lips; 8. left breast; 9. right breast; 10. lips.]

and then lays his body gently over hers, saying:


Make open the path of intelligence between us;
For these truly are the Five Points of Fellowship -
Foot to foot,
knee to knee,
Lance to Grail,
Breast to breast,
Lips to lips.
By the great and holy name Cernunnos;
In the name of Aradia;
Encorage our hearts,
Let the light crystalize itself in our blood,
Fulfilling of us resurrection.
For there is no part of us that is not of the Gods."

HP rises and goes to each Quarter in turn saying:


Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East [S, W, N]; the thrice consecrated High Priestess greets you and thanks you.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:59:41