This policy establishes how the Library will use information we gather about you from your visit to our web site. The privacy of our visitors is of utmost importance.
We want to be very clear: regardless of the information being transmitted to the Library, we will protect all such information consistent with applicable secular laws as well as the Rede.
The one exception to this is the Arcade. Due to overwhelming demand and overwhelming 404 errors when i took it down, it's back. Since an arcade has nothing to do with the remainder of the site, I will use it as a revenue generator. This means banner ads, cookies, etc. By using the Arcade, you authorize me to do with information gathered as I see fit.
an it harm none
do as thou will
This site has received hits since Aug 4, 2000
The entire content of all public pages in The Pagan Library (graphics, text and HTML) are free information, released under the terms of the GPL. All copyrighted items mentioned are the property of their respective owners, and no form of ownership or endorsement is implied.
Last modified: August 19 2018 14:53:19