Moon Manners

Section II


GUESTS - If you wish to bring a guest to a community ritual, you should first get the permission of the people putting the ritual on. Please make sure your guest understands about confidentiality.

Guests who are nonpagans or new pagans have special needs. Make sure that you talk to them well before the ritual about what they'll be seeing there. Explain the theme of the ritual, make sure they understand what will be expected of them, and take some time to verbally walk them through a ritual. And remember, once you and they are at the ritual, stay close to your guests and make sure they're ok. Introduce them around. Lend them a drum or a rattle if they're uncomfortable dancing. Talk to them afterwards and let them discuss the experience with you. Oh, yes, and teach them about grounding if they don't already know how; they'll probably need it.

HOMOPHOBIA - Fear/hatred of gay people. Homophobia (like other kinds of intolerance) should not be brought into the ritual circle.

HP/HPS - High Priest/High Priestess.

HO! - Affirmative (yes, right on, great, a-men; lit.: "you said it!")

LEAVING - If you have to leave the ritual area before the end, whether to go to the bathroom or for another reason, please make sure you cut a gate in the circle (or get someone to do so for you) and consciously exit and re-enter the sacred area. This keeps the energy in the circle intact.

MONEY - We pay when we rent space, and if we send written notices that costs money for reproduction and mailing, so please kick in a couple of dollars to help with the costs if you can.

RITUAL FIRE - The ritual fire is sacred. Please do not throw litter into it or light cigarettes with it. (Note: libations aren't litter.)

RITUAL TOOLS - For many pagans their ritual tools are very special items which, in some cases, may never have been touched by any other person. If you see anything interesting lying around or on the alter, make sure to ask permission before handling it.

ROBES - Nice if you have them but not really required; loose, casual clothing or medieval-style garb is also common.

SACRED SPACE - Ritual is sacred space for celebrations, love, and trust; it is not a big party. Please refrain from conversations and smoking during the ritual.

SKYCLAD - Nude; community rituals are not usually done skyclad. If some people decide to strip in a summer ritual, you may join them or not, depending on how comfortable you feel - the choice is yours. Remember that among pagans nudity is not an invitation to have sex; do not mistake the one for the other.

SPECIAL NEEDS - If you or your guest have any special needs such as dietary restrictions or physical limitations, please inform the person in charge before the ritual, so that accommodations can be made.

SPM - Spontaneous Pagan Mayhem; ie, drumming and dancing. SPM has come to be the form of energy-raising in our open rituals. (Organizers, be warned - people expect their SPM fix.)

SPONTANEITY - Spontaneity can be a great thing. However, the people who put their energy into planning the ritual appreciate it if we relax and enjoy the energy flow as they have envisioned it. If you didn't plan it, please do not change what is happening. (Chants, etc.)

SWEATLODGES - Sweatlodges are communal sacred space; do not use them as a place to have sex. Please leave them neat when you depart.

TOUCHING - Many pagans can be touchy-feelly in a loving, caring sort of way. This can be immensely comforting; however, each of us has a different level of comfort with the extent of touching. If you are uncomfortable with how someone else is touching you please don't hesitate to communicate your feelings. Conversely, those who on the giving side of embraces, etc. should be sensitive to the feelings and reactions others. Communication is vital.

WATCHES - Frowned upon in ritual by some because the circle is supposed to be outside of regular time and space. (And, of course, it's rude to keep checking the time.) Best to leave these in pockets.

WELCOMING - We are all responsible for the image of this community. If you see someone you don't know, please make an effort to welcome them

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Quote of the moment:
Question Authority -- and the authorities will question you.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:57:32