To Make Anointing Ointment


Take a glazed pan half full of grease or olive oil. Put in sweet mint leaves bruised. Place pan in hot water bath. Stir occasionally. After four or five hours pour into linen bag and squeeze grease through into pot again and fill with fresh leaves. Repeat until grease is strongly scented. Do same with marjoram, thyme and pounded dried patchouli leaves, an you may have them (for they be best of all). When strongly scented, mix all the greases together and keep in a well-stoppered jar.

Anoint behind ears, throat, breasts and womb. In rites where Blessed be ... may be said, anoint knees and feet, as also for rites connected with journeys or war.

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I admit it, I tried Windows, but I didn't inhale.

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:56:14