
Katherine M. Gray (c)1986

I once knew a Song
Which needed no singing
For it sang itself always.

I once knew a Dragon
Who knew the way home
To my heart's true longing.

I once lit a Candle
And found a great Council Fire
Where the Earth's Children
Warmed themselves.

I once knew a Tyrant
Who grew into an Artist
And found himself loved.

I once saw a face
In a clear running stream
That never belonged to me.

I once knew a King
No bigger than my hand
Who rode the wild geese
To his homeland.

These are the Gifts
Which I never have owned
And which I never will lose.

Fast Forward
Kindly Pagans, White Supremacists Hold Dueling Gatherings In Southern State Park

Keep the Faith
Young black women are leaving Christianity and embracing African witchcraft

CBN News
Atlanta Church Hires Psychic Medium to Minister to Congregation

The Week
The princess of Norway and her shaman lover

Religion News Service
Getting in on - and tossed out of - the Satanist Temple joke - Religion News Service

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Quote of the moment:
"If I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position!" - M. Python

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Last modified: August 19 2018 14:54:07